My Girl


“Mommy, are you my girl?”
“Yes Abby. Are you my girl?”

This exchange happens daily at our house, and it never gets old. Abby has been very possessive lately and though it gets really frustrating when she and her brother fight about things, sometimes it’s nice to know I belong to her. ๐Ÿ˜Š Abby works her way deeper into my heart every single day. Her smile, joy, determination, and stubbornness make her a force to be reckoned with (just ask her brother!). Like her brother, she loves life and wants to fill it with fun and excitement.
As a mom I long for a break, but there is that little part of me that can’t help but smile that she wants to hold my hand, sit in my lap, and do things with me. It’s also my daily reminder that she is looking to me– for protection, for guidance, and most of all for love. It’s a big responsibility, this mom thing. Sometimes I wonder how I’m doing, it’s so easy to doubt my abilities as a parent. But for Abby, I must be doing something right because every day she reminds me that I’m her girl.

In her current favorite outfit. Last week she pulled it out of the dirty clothes every day at rest time and put it on. And when I washed it— wow! there was major excitement!

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